Sandy Leathers, Marvin Leadership Team Chair
Sandy is a self-described Yankee, born and raised in Michigan. She followed her husband, who was in the US Army, across the country for 35 years. They eventually settled in Augusta, and joined Marvin over 20 years ago. She first became a Trustee, then 3 years later was asked to be the Church Council Chair. The Trustees, finance, and other committees report to the Council which is made up of committee chairs who decide on the direction of the church. As the head of Boomers and Beyond, she also plans events such as lunches, shows, tours, and seminars, for the seniors. Sandy took on the responsibility of the scholarship program (funded by the annual golf tournament) about 5 years ago. She also leads the Fuel Program which in the summer provides lunches to children during the week and during the school year, provides food for the weekend. Says Sandy, "I guess when it's all for the Lord, it's not a job and everything has a place in my schedule."
2023 Marvin Leadership Team
Lay Leader/Parrish Relations Trustee: Buildings Welcoming/Hospitality Young Adult Staff Parish Relations Chair Parish Relations Communications Trustee: Grounds Youth Trustee Chair Finance Chair Treasurer Financial Secretary Pastor Marvin Women Marvin Men MLT Secretary |
Sandy Leathers
Vacant Linda Lang Vacant Vacant Margaret Olmstead (2023) Vacant Dianne Masse Ed Leathers Vacant Linda Lang Vacant David Skelton Linda Jacob Ben Wills Beverly Courson Steve Wright Linda Jacob |
2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the FLC room 111 or designated area. Will not meet between May - August, during the summer months. Meetings are open to everyone, your opinion matters. We are the Church! |