Facility Utilization
Please call Church Office for more information 706-863-0510 or emeil [email protected]
All Users & Groups are subject to an increased Fee if party is over their said limit upon return of key.
Rules and Guidelines Updates Coming:
- All Users will have to read and sign the new Rules & Guidelines which are being updated to reflect the recent problems afflicting our facilities. Utilization fees are also being increased in some areas.
- There will be a tracking method in place when rules are violated with consequences.
- We take security seriously here! Turn off all lights and lock all doors before departure!
We have various rooms and services available for weddings, birthday parties, basketball practice, Boy or Girl Scout meetings, or other events.
Payment Methods:
Payment Methods:
- Cash, Check, or Money Orders are welcomed, please no credit cards.
- A refundable Damage Deposit of $100 and Key Deposit of $20 is required for all usages.
- Please bring separate checks: one for the Key, one for the Damage and one for the usage payable funds.
- Insurance Summary is received for Large Venues such as Sports and Company events.
- Deposits and Fees have been Paid in advance.
Available Spaces at a glance. Please contact the church office to verify prices.
**Proof of Insurance is required for all Sports Venues**
Sanctuary (weekdays): $250 Sound System Requires an additional $75 for Sound Minister. Playground, is not available for usage Family Life Center: Gymnasium: $100 Playground, is not available for usage Marye Garrett Reception Hall: $75 Family Life Center Kitchen: $100 Kitchen Committee member fee $75 is required to assist users. Classrooms & Library: $40 Custodial Assistance: $40 per hour |
Facility Utilization & Other Occasions Forms. Forms are being updated! Building Utilization Form & Utilization Policy Emergency Procedures Wedding Planning and Forms: Facility Use Request for Weddings same as Building Utilization Wedding Planning Worksheet Form Wedding Plan Information Wedding Agreement Form |
Marye Garrett Hall, Room 111This is our most popular room with receptions, classroom environment, dinners, baby showers, birthday parties and more.
Users are encouraged to setup the are themselves, round/rectangular tables and chairs can be requested to suite your needs. Refrain from from decorating the Wall of Living Stones. Safety: 60 people can sit comfortably. We recommend coming in to see the room first. |
Family Life Center
Family Life Center Gymnasium
Sports Usage is our most popular usage, theater groups, birthday parties, children activities, MUMC MarvinGanza, other church activities. The Gym is not Air Conditioned, but that does not seem to stop some groups from utilizing it. Our gym has become popular with various organizations in the CSRA since 2020. Help us to serve you better by improving our facility. Safety: Please read Gym Rules in the gym and enforce them. Please refrain from using the stage (running, jumping, equipment, and anything not agreed upon). Refrain from moving, using, or adjusting the cones on the stage. OFF LIMITS: Preschool Dining Area and Play Ground are off limits to all users in the gym. |
Family Life Center Kitchen
Food from the kitchen cannot be distributed away from the building, food cooked in building must be consumed in the building. *Kitchen Committee Member ($75) Must be present when cooking or utilization the kitchen in partial or full capacity. |
Our Sanctuary is used for a variety of events to include Vacation Bible study, classes, meetings, weddings & funerals.
Users requesting microphones, additional sound equipment, and video, must coordinate with Church Administrator for full support of the event. Users are encouraged to have Ushers to help with the flow of people. Available for Funerals and Weddings. Priest/Pastor must speak to each other before the event. |