Your gifts help us to serve our community. There are four ways to give.
We are expanding our Online Giving and will be adding: Apportionments, Cancer Support Services, Choir/Music, UMCOR, and Youth.
Expect a Change within a weeks time. Thank you.
We are expanding our Online Giving and will be adding: Apportionments, Cancer Support Services, Choir/Music, UMCOR, and Youth.
Expect a Change within a weeks time. Thank you.
In Person |
Using the Kiosk |
By Mail |
Online |
Place cash or check in the offering basket on Sunday |
Use a credit or debit card with the kiosk at the church entryway |
Mail your check to Marvin UMC 4400 Wheeler Road Martinez, GA 30907 |
The easiest way to give on a one-time or regular basis. Click the DONATE HERE button above |
Tithes and offerings provide for our staff and the operation of the church buildings, grounds, and ministries. Our day-to-day operations rely on our committed, consistent giving.
Donations left at the Altar Rail will be placed in the Good Samaritan Fund.
Thank you!
Donations left at the Altar Rail will be placed in the Good Samaritan Fund.
Thank you!
Marvin United Methodist Church 4400 Wheeler Road Martinez, GA 30907 706-863-0510 A United Methodist Family of Faith